Welcome to GateKeeper's Wor|d, the Un|verSe. My Un|verse is filled with pain
because | can't be with the one | |ove. But, there is hope; hope that one day we'll be
together, never to be seperated again. It is with that hope in mind, that | dedicate this
page to the one | love, and a few spec|al friends...
My love is an Angel, sent from above, and it is her love that gives me a reason to
continue on, even in the worst of times. She is the first thing | think of when | awake,
and the last thing | think of before falling asleep. When things are at their worst, the
thought of her puts a smile on my face and joy in my heart.
For all those in pain, | hope you find your Angel too.
and so it is, and so it must be... I "Let |t Be..." | LoVe You Jenn|fer