GateKeeper's  World  We|come to the Un|verse
                  Friends are a wonderful thing, here is one of mine...


This is dedicated to my oldest online friend, Kari.    You brought me back from the edge,  helped me
see the light,  and showed me how to start living once again.  We had the best of times,  we had the
worst of times,  and I wouldnt trade them for anything.  You are wise beyound your years, and always
up front and say whats on your mind.  I could tell you anything, as you could me, and I will miss that
closeness we shared...    I'm sorry for the bad times we had,  but hope you remember the good.      :)
You are the biggest Beatles fan I ever met, and I think of you with a smile whenever I hear their songs
on the radio.    I hope you see this page someday and enjoy this Beatle tune.  I play it for you and for
me as a reminder.  You always did beat me at Beatle trivia  -  you are the best!  Best of luck, Love Ya!
                          You set me free...    in more ways than one  :)



Jennifer, My Angel